Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Health and Hygiene Presentation

Yesterday I taught two classes at Jamalpur about health and hygiene, one class of boys and one of girls. The presentation I made was very very basic - why you should wash your hair, shower everyday, cut your nails, brush your teeth. The presentations surprisingly took about an hour, though me and Barotbhai presented together so there was more to say.

The presentations were laid back especially because everything we covered the kids in theory have heard a million times. I tried making the presentation interactive by having the kids teach me what is in the picture and why it is important. Every slide we took a survey of who had done what they were supposed to today - who had brushed their teeth, who had combed their hair etc.

One kid clearly had not brushed his teeth in forever - they were very very dirty. We spent him home during class to go brush. The instant before and after was astounding and powerful - really drove the point home. When I asked the kids how long they brush their teeth for everyday (to try to teach them you should be brushing at least 3 minutes) they responded with 2 different answers: 1 hour and 2 hours. They obviously did not have a good gauge on time! So I told them to go home and watch the clock while they brush, then make it last 3-5 minutes.

I taught them to brush morning and night and the importance and reason for brushing both times. Then last night I was overcome with guilt, because I am horrible about brushing my teeth at night. So at midnight while I'm laying in bed, exhausted, lights out, mouse hiding in the kitchen ready to eat me alive, I get up and walk to the sink and brush my teeth. Maybe this guilt will last and I'll make my dentist proud by no longer having to lie to him...never mind, will never floss everyday so it's a lost cause!

But just sitting down talking to the kids was lots of fun! The kids were very involved in the discussion and you could tell they really looked up to me and what I was telling them - sometimes they need someone from the outside to tell them the same thing they have been hearing to realize its value. I told the kids I will do random spot checks and even talk to their parents! Let's hope this makes a difference...the first step to good health!

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