Friday, September 17, 2010

Health and hygiene sewing class, Red Cross, pregnant women

Yesterday I taught the same health and hygiene presentation I had put together to the women at the sewing class. They are obviously much older - most married, many with kids. The interaction went very smoothly - they were attentive, didn't ask many questions, but obviously listening. I think it was important to talk to them, because they are often the ones that run the household, and especially spend the most time with their kids. So if they improve their own hygiene habits, their kid's habits will improve as well. I hope to work with these women more and hopefully address any other issues they have as well that they feel they don't have anyone to talk to about.

I also went to the Indian Red Cross yesterday. We went initially to setup a thalassemia camp, but that will not be happening for awhile. So while I was there I talked to the guy in charge of Disaster Management. I told him I am a certified Emergency Medical Technician and would love to get involved. They are going to have me teach a CPR/first aid course with them! I'm very excited to get involved there, and hope to eventually bring these courses to Manav Sadhna's staff...basic first aid and CPR are SOO important, but that importance is often under-appreciated in India, at least as far as I have seen.

Today I went to visit some of the pregnant women we are following in the tekra with Pooja. It was very interesting. There were 3 women, all in their last month. One was very on top of things and prepared; another didn't even know which hospital she was going to deliver at! The one on one interaction was very enriching, and there is an obvious need for more education among the women. It has become pretty clear that educating the women will go far in effecting the entire community since they are really the head of the households.

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