Monday, March 7, 2011

Civil Hospital - Ayush's Story

Ayush was a little boy they brought up from MP that had a shunt put in his brain when he was a month old. He had hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain) so needed the shunt to remove the fluid. It's been 2 years since so he had to come up for a follow-up to make sure things were going okay. There isn't much to tell in his story - we did lots of running around as per the normal and got him seen in the OPD (out patient department) in neurosurgery. They had us take a CT scan to see where things were at and then decide if there was anything that needed to be done. The process was far from systematic but things got done, and it turned out his scan was clean and he was good to go home. He was the cutest kid, and he was so playful. He didn't cry at all, even though he didn't even get water for 3-4 hours...he just went about smiling. I have never met such a happy baby with such a contagious precious. He had come with his grandparents, who it was obvious interacted and stimulated him a lot.

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