Monday, March 7, 2011

Civil Hospital - Basanti's Story

Basanti is an intriguing 3 year old girl! They brought her up to get surgery because she had a clubbed foot, meaning her foot isn't straight, so she couldn't walk. The organization A Leg To Stand On based out of the US sponsored all of her care. The ALTSO team was great, checking up on everything regularly and helping us jump through all of the hoops as quick as possible - it was working with them that made me realize that all you really need to be seen/heard is a white lab coat, so you look official. No one asked for ID, the lab coat spoke for itself!

Anyways, she had to have corrective surgery for her foot.
She has a month old brother at home so the mom could not come along, so the father came, had never taken care of her on his own before. When they told him the surgery would be the next day and then she would have to stay in the hospital for 4 days, he freaked out and all he could say is he wanted to go back to the village and pick his corn and that there was no way he could watch her for 4 days. After he met Rahul's parents we found out that they are related and actually neighbors! This eased him a bit and after much convincing he decided to stay. I met him when he was having lunch with Basanti. She peed while eating. I told him and he looked down and said oh, and didn't do anything. Then I suggested maybe he should move her away from that area so she isn't sitting in her own urine while she eats. that lit some type of a lightbulb since he moved her! The morning after her surgery they gave the family bread in a plastic package, and he handed the whole package to Basanti, who just stared back at him, and after a minute he was like oh, I should open this for you maybe...I'm sitting here like you think?! But I talked to him and was telling him what a great opportunity he was getting to spend time with his daughter in a way that he probably never has and never will. After his first day jitters subsided he agreed and seemed very grateful to get this one on one time with his daughter :) And by the end he actually knew how to take care of her, which was amazing to see!

Basanti was a very moody girl..whenever I went to see her she was upset and frowning - never happy to see me until day 3 when she smiled, but day 4 was more of the same. But apparently every time I left she would ask 20 questions about me - when I was coming back, my name etc etc. I think she just didn't like hospitals and wanted to go home to Mom. But she left happy and ready to get home, and now she'll be back for more follow-ups and another surgery.

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