Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why I didn't post for so long...this one is different!

So I know I have had a variety of reasons for not posting, but this one trumps them all!!

Someone who must really be out to get me decided one Friday afternoon that they were bored and would mess with me. So they proceeded to hack into my university, gmail, and facebook accounts and delete all 3 (all with different passwords I might add).

Getting the university account back was easy enough since the U has everything on their servers. I went through a million hoops to get the gmail account back which was tricky since my account no longer existed so going to recover password or any such normal option didn't work. When I tried to recover the entire account, I somehow couldn't prove the account was mine! They asked about who you contacted regularly etc, and it kept coming back saying we can't verify this is your account so we can't give it back to you to protect you and prevent can see how this was unbelievably annoying. And since I never thought to back up my blog (who does that?!), I lost it. Luckily a friend of mine did some techy-y stuff and got me a copy of it back. Then another friend pulled some strings with some friends and got me back my account! So thank you for everyone who helped...and be careful is all I can say, I don't even know how to avoid such a problem...though google has a 2-step verification process for sign in now, I highly suggest taking advantage of that!

I decided facebook isn't worth the trouble to create a new account there, so I'm no longer on there :(

But now that I have everything back, I will post what I've been up to!!

Thanks for sticking with me and all of my technical issues :)

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