Monday, March 28, 2011

Delay in Writing and General Health Camp

Sorry again for the delay! I had a week off because my cousin got married - lots of sweating and singing and dancing! - and then I went to Delhi to help my friend shop for her wedding, which was lots and lots of fun. It made me miss home a lot though seeing her and spending time with her family...but I'll be back soon enough!

The morning after I got back we had a general health camp at the community center in the Ramapir no Tekro. It was held on behalf of the Ahmedabad Medical Association. There were lots of doctors there - general, eye, ENT, skin, dental, surgeon, pediatrician. We got there early to setup, and put up lots of banners about preventative healthcare. When people came in they went to the registration table, had to say what they needed to be seen for, and in turn received a "case paper" with the doctor they had to see written on top. If they had multiple complaints, they got a different sheet for each. Then volunteers helped direct people to the right station. After that a volunteer at each station kept an eye in the room the doctor was in and had one person enter the room at a time. After each patient was seen they were directed across the way where medications were dispensed for free that were
written by the camp doctors. It was chaotic! No one stayed in line, everyone budged then fought about it, they tried to enter multiple people at a time, and they wouldn't listen when we tried to direct them to the appropriate doctor! It was a zoo! But it was lots of fun and really great to see so many people getting their healthcare needs addressed. The doctors also took their time and seemed to actually enjoy helping these people. I loved seeing the people fight over their showed me their passion for healthcare...or at least I like to think so ;) My favorite was this girl probably around 10-12 who was getting really upset, crying, yelling, throwing a tantrum at the eye doctor station...everyone thought it was because she got glasses and didn't want them, but it was actually the opposite...she wanted glasses but the eye doctor told her that her vision was fine!! See, some people are as crazy as me when it comes to their health :)

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